Vincent Writes

Observations from the City of Destruction

They’re Coming For Who?

Last night I had a strange dream. I dreamed my husband and I lived further down town and one morning an I.C.E (Immigration Customs Enforcement) raid came down our street with at least three S.W.A.T type vehicles (not quite armored, but not civilian) and several police cars accompanying them. We looked on down the street to the Southeast a few doors down from us on the other side of the road and they were hauling out a woman lawyer in handcuffs. She was an immigration lawyer. She hollered at me something, which I couldn’t understand. But she thought for a moment and said, “4.” And then she said, “12:30.” I really didn’t know what kind of code she was trying to relay, but was stunned as she was hauled off.

I understood what had happened. With #47’s determination to get rid of illegal immigration, Trump’s administration had determined to not just go after the violent illegal immigrants, but pursue those who may have overstayed their visas and such. The only problem I saw with them trying to shake down a lawyer for information on where to find people overstaying their welcome was this: people using immigration lawyers (I thought) were generally trying to honor the path of the law, not deliberately slap the nation in the face by ignoring it.

When I woke and gathered my thoughts about this strange attempt to press an immigration lawyer for information, I realized that it was only about illegal immigrants today. During another administration, it would be about the Christians. It reminded me of something ( a vision of sorts, I guess) I had over 20 years ago, about the military coming for the Christians because Christianity was being outlawed. Under the current administration, I’m sure I’d get a few scoffs for that statement, but things aren’t as they seem. The world is becoming increasingly hostile to Christians and it’s evidenced in various policies over the last several years. Once a society starts to progress, they usually don’t regress. They usually destruct. We’re on the path of destruction.