I had a dream about a week ago where I was in some kind of facility. It appeared to be like a prison, but not quite. I don’t recall all of it, except that I must have been visiting someone there and came across a girl who was very thin. She would have been a teenager. She was starving. I wanted to get her some food and asked the administration at this facility if she could get something to eat and they said no. That they didn’t have anything to give her.
I was visibly shaken and angered after finding out all she was allocated to eat a day was about 100 calories. She was weak and so malnourished. I pleaded with the administration, what about even a piece of bread or some rice? My plea was met with a resounding “No.”
I then said that I could bring something in and they told me that if I did that, it would create problems and I would create an expectation. It was such a weird dream and when I woke I didn’t realize if there had been a resolution. But the dream left me feeling a sense of foreboding for I understood the dream to be evident for things that we take for granted now and may become scarce not too far off. That the situation may become so desperate that a simple piece of bread to stave off hunger might be hard to find for certain sections of society.
We live in a society right now which has multiple wars going on. The Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe and has been in a war with Russia since February 24, 2022. Israel is now fighting a war on multiple fronts and a week after having this dream, the current President of the US has initiated tariffs on trade partners, Canada, Mexico, and China due to the Immigration and Fentanyl crisis affecting the nation. As of this writing, no one is too sure how this is going to impact the food supply.
We also have an ongoing culling of egg-laying birds as Bird Flu seems to be wreaking havoc on the chicken population and has been picked in multiple states across the US. This is causing a shortage of eggs and an increase in prices.
Obviously no one can survive on 100 calories a day for very long, but I think that was the point of the dream. Massive starvation. I cannot tell you if it means anything.
It will be interesting to see how things play out, but after the dream a week ago, I was reminded of the scripture in Revelation 6:6
“And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” (NKJV)